Academic Staff
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Basic information:

Zhou Jinyi, female, Doctor of laws, lecturer

Education Background:

2004.9-2008.6   Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Bachelor's degree in Bioengineering

2009.9-2012.6   China University of Political Science and Law Master's Degree of  Law

2012.9-2016.6   Renmin University of China, Doctor's degree of  Law

2014.3-2015.4  Queen Mary University of London (PhD visit student)

Work Experience :

July 2016 to present, Department of Law, Nanchang Univeristy

Research Interests:

Money laundering, recovery of proceeds of crime

Representative Publications(Books):

Independent author:《Criminalization of Money Laundering in the Context of Globalization:——from the perspective of confiscation》,Sanlian Publishing House,2022

Participate in writing:《Standards and Application of  Case Handling for  Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate,and Courts 》, People's Court Publishing House, 2014.

Participate in writing:《Major Cases - Comments on the most concerned criminal cases in China in 2012》, Chinese People's Public Security University Press. 2012

Representative Publications(Articles):

Function Analysis of Money Laundering Criminalization from the Perspective of Anti-money Laundering,  Junornal of Nanchang University (Humanities and Social Sciences),2022.5 (CSSCI)

Analysis on the Paradoxes during the Criminalization of Money Laundering in China,Journal of National Prosecutors College,2016.2

The Basic Position of Criminalization of Money Laundering under the Global Crime Collaborative governance,Jiangxi Social Sciences,2016.2 (CSSCI)

Reasonable Cognition of Criminal Regulation of Reversed money laundering, Legal Daily, page 11, February 3, 2016

A new perspective of semantic classification to distinguish extended interpretation from analogical interpretation, Research on Rule of Law, 2014.7

Representative Publications(Research Projects):

Presided over and completed the 2016 Humanities and Social Science research project of Universities in Jiangxi Province:The causes and ways out of the legislative predicament of money laundering criminalization in China under the global crime collaborative governance

presided over the 2019 National Social Science Fund Youth Project: Domestic Transformation of International Asset Recovery Mechanism from the Perspective of Collaborative Governance

presided over the 2020 Education Reform  Project in Jiangxi Province:Exploring and practicing the systematic teaching mode of Criminal Procedure Law under the Perspective of Ideology and Politics

Honors and Awards

Second prize of Teaching Competition of Nanchang University in 2019;2019-2022 "Evidence Law" and "Criminal Procedure Law" courses respectively won the "Excellent Teaching Quality Award of Nanchang University" for several consecutive semesters

Contact Info:
