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Basic information:

Zheng Junping,female, Ph.D. (University of Bologna,Italy)

Assistance Professor

Education Background:

2006.09-2010.06, Bachelor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law;

2010.09-2012.06, Master of Economical Law, China University of Political Science and Law

2013.01-2016.06, Doctor of European Tax Law, University of Bologna

Work Experience :

2016.09 - present,  Assistance Professor, Nanchang University

Research Interests:

Tax Law; Commercial Law    

Representative Publications(Articles):

1.Research on Tax Reconciliation from the Perspective of Taxpayer Rights Protection [J]. Cross Strait Tax Management and Taxpayer Rights Protection and the Best Tax Law Judgment in Taiwan in 2019, 2020,1 (1)

2.Unduly-paid taxes and the protection of the taxpayer’s property right pursuant to Article 1, First Protocol ECHR [J]. European Tax Studies, 2014,(2)

Representative Publications(Research Projects):

1. A Study on the Chinese Sample and Legislative Improvement of the Value Added Tax System in the Financial Industry, supported by the National Social Science Fund of China,(21CFX044).

2.Provincial vertical scientific research project "Research on the Legal Thought of the Judicial System in the Central Soviet Area" (JD20089)

3.Provincial vertical scientific research project "China's value-added tax reform and legislation from the perspective of the EU value-added tax deduction system" (16BJ01)

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