Academic Staff
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Basic information:

Wei Shengli,male, born in Jan.1966 in Anyuan,Jiangxi Province; professor of the Law School of Nanchang University

Education Background:

1985.9-1989.7: Faculty of Law, Jiangxi University;

1991.9-1994.7: Master of Civil and Commercial Law, Peking University Law School       

Work Experience :

1989.7-1991.8:People's Procuratorate of Anyuan County, Jiangxi Province;

1994.8-1999.8: Zhejiang Qiming Lawyer Firm

1999.8-present: Law School,Nanchang University

Research Interests:

Basic Theory of Civil Law,Company Law

Representative Publications(Articles):

Discussion On the Nature of Succession[J], Sino-Foreign Law, 1993(3)

Analysis of the Scope of Civil Liability Capacity[J], Law Forum, 2007(1)

Legal Outline of Private Property Rights[J], Journal of Nanchang University, 2006(4)

Third-party infringement theory: theoretical innovation or legal error? [J], Hebei Law, 2005(9)

Reflection on the basic theory of limitation of actions and the re-selection of limitation of actions legislation in China[J] (5 papers in a series), Hebei Law, 2006

Representative Publications(Research Projects):

Research on Civil Rights Capacity System, Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Project (2008)

Research on the Limitation of Actions System, Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Project (2006)

Research on Jiangxi Business Environment Based on the Rule of Law, Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Special Project (2017)

Research on Private Education Legislation, Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Project (2002)

Research on the Coordination of Unified Judicial Examination and Law Major Curriculum System, Jiangxi Provincial Education Science Planning Project (2005)

Contact Info:

Email: ndfxywsl@163.com;767011535@qq.com