Academic Staff
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Basic information:

Huang Yue, male, Han nationality, born in July 1983 in Xiushui, Jiangxi Province, and is a postdoctoral fellow in law at Renmin University of China.

Education Background:

LLB,Jiangxi Normal University,2004

LL.M,Southwest University of Political Scince and Law,2010

J.D.,Southwest University of Political Scince and Law,2013

Work Experience :

2013.9-2015.9,engaged in the postdoctoral research in Renmin University of China

2015.9-present ,law school of Nanchang University

Research Interests:

Criminal Law

Representative Publications(Books):

"The Concept of Danger and Its Development in Criminal Law", Law Press, 2019 Edition

Representative Publications(Articles):

"The Concept of Danger and Its Judgment in Criminal Law—Based on the Opposition between the Subjective Theory of Danger and the Objective Theory of Danger", "Zheng Fa Lun Cong" No.4 Aug.10,2016

"The Judgment of Impossibility of Crime from the Perspective of Risk", "Modern Law Science", Jul.2015 Vol.37 No.4

"On the commencement of Crime","Criminal Law" Series 4, 2015

"A Preliminary Study on the Theory of Subjective Elements of Illegal Law", "Journal of Criminal Law of China", No. 12, 2012

"A New Theory of the Legal Benefits of the Crime of Accepting Bribery——TakingSeeking Benefits for Others' as the Starting Point", "Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Science Edition)", No. 2, 2013

Representative Publications(Research Projects):

"Research on Helping Theory and Judicial Practice of Neutral Behavior" Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Youth Doctoral Fund Project in 2017

"Research on the Legislative Model and Judicial Operation of Abstract Dangerous Crimes",the Jiangxi Provincial Key Research Base Project of Humanities and Social Sciences in 2018

"Research on the Rules for Handling Criminal-civil Entity Relations of Property Crimes",Jiangxi Provincial Key Research Base Project of Humanities and Social Sciences in Colleges and Universities in 2022

Contact Info:

e-mail:15002373963@163.com;telephone number:15070804677